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PUBLIC MARKS with tags somethingbeautiful & "paper craft"

January 2010

December 2009

November 2009

accordion book

by blackgoldfish
The Spring Moss base measures 5 1/2" x 4 3/4" and the strip cut from my stamped background paper is 1 1/2" X 5 1/2".

August 2009


by blackgoldfish
"you can be as tender & tiny as you are magnificant & strong"

bridemate's guide

by blackgoldfish (via)
You can download the template to make a little accordion fold booklet, fill in relevant details (important dates, the dress shop's card, fabric swatches, etc.) and tuck it all into an A2 envelope.

July 2009

Tuesday Tutorials : Elise Blaha : Small Blank Books

by blackgoldfish
Slide a piece of paper into one of the envelopes. It should fit snugly and stick out as shown. Stick the flap of the second envelope behind the paper already inside the first envelope. Your cover should look like the image shown with the patterned paper tucked into each envelope.

May 2009


by blackgoldfish
這篇教大家如何裡用旅行蒐集的地圖、票根再結合我們旅行所拍攝的影像作品, 製作出具有特別意義,又有獨特創意的「回憶旅行箱」。 準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片約10張 2. 盒子or 紙板(盒子可以找木片便當盒也可以是糖果盒) 3. 旅行地區地圖、DM 4. 色卡紙一張 5. 紙膠帶 or 重複黏貼黏土 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、相片膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦

April 2009


by blackgoldfish
A great use for hand carved rubber stamps is printing your own gift wrapping paper


by blackgoldfish
Everything the creative soul needs to make their own journal, photo album or scrapbook. Contents vary, but typical kit includes vintage paper, old buttons, postage stamps, ribbon, twine, tags, labels, mini envelopes and more, housed in a beautiful cigar box. Kit also includes two book boards, pre-cut, pre-drilled and covered in vintage paper, and two antiqued rings to bind it all together.

February 2009

LollyChop's take on the punched butterflies

by blackgoldfish
For this project I used: Colorful paper (you can use scraps from catalogs (the covers are best), scrapbook paper, paper samples, etc... 2 Martha Stewart butterfly punches (seen below) Zots 3D-Dots (foam sticky squares) Cardstock paper Picture frame with 3D mat board

January 2009

last-minute christmas tags

by blackgoldfish
Here's what you need: your printed template, a ruler and an x-acto knife, a bone folder (in order to get nice crisp folds), a cutting mat, glue (spray adhesive or glue stick), 1.5” circle punch (or you can cut the circles with your x-acto knife.. be careful!), a few cute fabric swatches (cut to roughly 1.75” squares), and a hole punch.

December 2008

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